Livin' and Learnin'

The Life and Times of Miss Dana


While in St. Augustine, Mike and I went on a Ghost Tour. Our first stop was at the grounds of the St. Augustine Lighthouse. Our tour guide told the story about two little girls who drowned on the property. Their father was the man who built the lighthouse, and while he was working they would play on the grounds. One day, the girls and a neighbor girl wandered out to the water and were swept away. The neighbor girl was saved. Locals report hearing children’s laughter in the night.

There is a little playground on the property, with a slide and a swing set. The swing set is an old style one, like I can remember playing on as a child. It is very sturdy steel-post one with chains holding the swings up. Our tour guide told us that she has witnessed one of the swings actually swinging during a tour. She described it as a, “full-on swing, not just movement.”

I took the following picture without a flash, in the darkness. I pointed my camera in the direction of the swing set. I couldn’t see a thing through the viewer, due to the darkness. I don’t know what is in this picture, but I know that there was no light source at the time it was taken.

I’m not saying that it’s “orbs,” but I am saying it is suspicious.

What do you think?


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