I have become obsessed with my PC Build. I love building PCs and upgrading my PC. I am a most of the time Mac user, but I do use my PC from time-to-time. Mostly for playing games. After 2.5 years at Fry’s and building over 100 PC’s, I had to have my own and it has evolved over time. This is the latest iteration.
My build is almost pure white on the inside. The only parts that are not are: GPU, AIO Liquid Cooler, and Fans. The GPU is expensive to replace, but the other parts are not. And those are the ones I am going to replace.

The Parts:
MSi MPG F120 RGB Fans (2)
MSi MAG CoreLiquid 240R V2 (White)

A better view with the side panel off.

The tools I will be needing are:
Zip Ties
iFixit Screwdriver Kit
Thermal Paste. I use Arctic MX-4 thermal paste.

The old AIO and fans removed. I also temporarily removed the GPU to get it out of the way.

My Wire mess from the installation of the SSD’s that are in place of using the mechanical drives. While I am replacing the other parts, I am going to finally remove the mechanical drives from the case.

Mechanical drives and cage removed. Time to dust…

Newly wired in all of the new components. I try to be neat with my cable management, but somehow I have always done better with other people’s builds than my own.

New Parts installed. Looking great. So happy with how it turned out. Time to re-install the GPU and turn it on. Set my colors. For that, I wired the CPU block in with the fans on that side of the PC rather than with the fans on the AIO. That way, there is separation of colors. That is something else I planned to achieve here.

I am so happy with how this came out.
NOTE: Since this was done, I have re-done the color scheme but still looks equally as fantastic. Now, only need to either replace the GPU or find somebody who can paint this GPU white. I am not sure how that would look, though… cheap or good.
Thanks for viewing my blog post. Stay tuned for the next one.