Livin' and Learnin'

The Life and Times of Miss Dana

Christmas Project from Pinterest #1

I saw a variety of Christmas trays made from Starlight Mints on Pinterest, and I absolutely loved them! I thought it wouldn’t be too difficult to make, so why not give it a try?

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Unwrap the mints (I used Publix brand Starlight Mints. They were the only ones that I could find a week before Christmas.)


Ok, The next step is a very important one according to other bloggers on Pinterest. PUT PARCHMENT PAPER ON A COOKIE SHEET. If you do not use parchment paper, the candy will be forever stuck to your cookie sheet!

Arrange the mints into the desired shape. (I wanted a circle.)


Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes. (I baked mine for 10)

When you take the candy out, it’s not runny, but tacky and HOT. Be very careful!


Mine did not create a circle to my over achiever’s compulsive standards, so I decided to make a bowl! A candy bowl, haha!

So I cut the parchment paper around the candy and left about an inch extra around so I could use it to move the candy. I put a small glass bowl upside down on the counter and slid the candy over it and used the parchment paper to mover the candy into the shape of a bowl.


I let it cool for about 25 minutes. And here is the finished product:

wpid-IMG_1591-2012-12-20-15-23.jpg wpid-IMG_1595-2012-12-20-15-23.jpg

Ok, so it isn’t perfect, but I could put wrapped candy in it at least. I was my first try, after all. 🙂

But, I did learn what tweaking needs to be done for next time!

Merry Christmas y’all!

And Thanks Pinterest!