This is another of the different type of cases that I built in during my years at Fry’s. I call it the “AmmoBox Case”. Its official name is the Vengeance C70. I didn’t get a picture of the final product here. I am not sure why, but let’s move on with the build.
The parts….
Pretty standard for a mid-to-high end gaming PC for the time. Core i7-7700k, 16GB RAM, 750W PSU, GTX 1060 (3GB Version), optical drive, Z270 motherboard. My take on the parts: I believe the 1060 had a 6GB version which would have been a better choice and even taken the CPU down to an i5 to balance out the cost.
CPU Installed. Look at the thermal paste job. Such a professional.
Assembled enough to do a POST-test
The case. The side panel goes on like an ammo box. That’s why I call it the “Ammo Box Case”.
Everything but the GPU and optical drive installed in the case. Now, to do cable management. Most cases now have a PSU shroud that coves that PSU and give a good place to hid unused PSU cables. This PSU is semi-modular, so that isn’t as big of a concern.
Everything installed and wired. From the look of the fan, it appears to be on and running. I do wish I had made a picture of the final product. The side panel is tinted so you can’t really see anything on the inside and had places to put 2 fans. The front intake fans are in an awkward spot. I am not really sure that they are doing much for the airflow being so far from the front panel AND once you fill those drive bays, flow will be disrupted. But those are the things your run into to have such a unique case.
Check the link I left above to see Corsair’s page that has full pictures of the case. It’s really much different than any other case and I almost want one. This one would be great to put put stickers of Halo or Call of Duty on.
Until the next one, have a good one dear readers.