Hardware Unboxed Did It!

They have validated my combination of CPU and GPU in this video…

I have a R5 1600X and RX 5600XT. My reaction from this video is this: even a ultra-modern R5 5600X will give me no better gaming performance than my R5 1600X. It will kick it’s butt in productivity, but I don’t use my PC for productive tasks, just gaming… I use my Macs for productivity.

So, basically, unless you have a very high end GPU like an RTX 3070 or higher, a Ryzen 5 1600X will give about the same performance on mid-range GPUs like my RX5600XT. So, they just saved me a bunch of money that I could have spent on a better CPU. That better CPU (R5 3600X or R5 5600X) would not make any difference in gaming performance with my GPU. The only way to get better performance is to upgrade them both. Well, I already upgraded my GPU to a 5600XT, so I am not going to doing that for quite some time and hence, no need to upgrade CPU.

Thank you, Hardware Unboxed!

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