I saw the Apple //c at a local computer store (remember those…). It was down the strip mall from the Food World where my mom…
Sometime in the early 80’s, I got my first computer for Christmas. Our friends, the Williams, had one and it was so cool. That computer…
Here is some sort of major proof on NewEgg… The Sapphire Pulse RX 560XT: I put one of these in a build for my soon-to-be…
There were good times and there were bad times, and now it’s gone. I did have some good memories working at Fry’s, but it was…
I finally had to break with my old naming convention for my devices… I had them named like the device. My iMac was i9-iMac. Boring.…
I affectionately call this the “popcorn machine” build. This the largest case I have ever built in. The Quadstellar was quite large, but it had…
They have validated my combination of CPU and GPU in this video… I have a R5 1600X and RX 5600XT. My reaction from this video…
This build was in a SFF (Small Form Factor) case and was a challenge in a different way that the big gaming case builds. Trying…
Introduction For part 2, we are going to break down the high-level stats that I went over in part 1 and see what actual products…
So, I have been working on indexing my builds I did while I was at Fry’s and these are some data points that are pretty…