What’s Your Naming Convention…

I finally had to break with my old naming convention for my devices… I had them named like the device. My iMac was i9-iMac. Boring. Descriptive, but boring. Named like a business would…

Today, I unveil new names for all of my devices that I have control over the names, but names just the same…


My Apple Mac and iOS devices -> The big 4: Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, and Slayer + Testament (if there were a Big 5, IMO)

My Watches -> Progressive Powerhouses

My Windows PC’s -> Symphonic Metal

The Apple TV’s and Home Pod need to be descriptive and I don’t to really rename them, but I am so liking this new naming convention. I may change it from time-to-time, just to be fresh and new. Like maybe the 4 houses of Harry Potter or the 4 Horsemen… Just something fun to break up the monotony. Life is too short to be uptight.

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