Livin' and Learnin'

The Life and Times of Miss Dana

Holidays 2011

I love the holidays…Christmas is certainly my favorite. I had a wonderful Christmas this year. Christmas Eve was spent at my Mother-in-law’s house with all of my in-laws. They are awesome. We laughed til we almost cried, and ate and ate and ate. There were so many gifts under the tree that there was hardly any floor left to walk around it! The weather wasn’t so frightful this year (like last year) and all in all, it was a great time and a wonderful night.

Last weekend we went to Savannah to have Christmas with my Dad and my brother and his family. We always pull names around Thanksgiving to see who we will each buy a “gag” gift for. Michael got a gigantic goblet with “PIMP” written with dazzling rhinestones and lots of little sparkles all around it from my brother Eric. That was hilarious…the last thing Michael is is a “Pimp”. LOL

Michael drew my Dad’s name and debated for a long time on what to get him…he decided on a coffee cup that’s in the shape of a toilet! GROSS! The look on my Dad’s face was priceless and quite hilarious…I can’t imagine what it’s going to look like once there’s coffee in it. EEW!

All in all, this was a great holiday season for us. I’m so thankful that I was able to have the time off work to be able to go to the various places to see our families. I’m thankful that our families are all healthy and happy. And I’m especially thankful that my Savior was born on that very first Christmas Day.

I’m looking forward to 2012, and wishing you all a very Happy Happy Happy New Year! 🙂

wpid-IMG_0139-2012-01-5-14-40.jpg Maddux with Santa. It’s his first Christmas! 🙂

wpid-IMG_0142-2012-01-5-14-40.jpg Bama, our Christmas kitty. Every year she crawls under the tree for a cat nap or two. 🙂

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