I think what makes this one unique is that the customer chose an AMD video card. The vast majority of builds I did were Nvidia…
This is another of the different type of cases that I built in during my years at Fry’s. I call it the “AmmoBox Case”. Its…
I chose this one because of the unique nature of the case. I did not think to do all of the testing that YouTube channels…
I affectionately call this the “popcorn machine” build. This the largest case I have ever built in. The Quadstellar was quite large, but it had…
This build was in a SFF (Small Form Factor) case and was a challenge in a different way that the big gaming case builds. Trying…
Introduction For part 2, we are going to break down the high-level stats that I went over in part 1 and see what actual products…
So, I have been working on indexing my builds I did while I was at Fry’s and these are some data points that are pretty…
This is a look back at my favorite build of 2019 from working at Fry’s. None of these parts were purchased at Fry’s and most…
This was a major rebuild.. only because this is the first one I remember that has a floppy drive connection on the motherboard. Look at…
I was able to build a number of custom machines at Fry’s during 2018. I don’t have an exact number, but there were a lot…