This is a look back at my favorite build of 2019 from working at Fry’s. None of these parts were purchased at Fry’s and most…
I had to replace a Godlike motherboard in one of my customer’s computers… Did I really want to do that? Of course, I did! I…
By far, the dirtiest computer I have ever cleaned… Before… the dirt is thick, it is everywhere. I is disgusting and make me cough as…
Today, I am going to attempt to put together a parts list to “build” a iMac i9-9900k PC. Is it more expensive or is it…
This was a major rebuild.. only because this is the first one I remember that has a floppy drive connection on the motherboard. Look at…
So, why did I decide to rebuild? I wanted to re-do the cable management. Since I did my original build, I upgraded the RAM and…
I am a Mac user, first and foremost.  I have been for the past 13 years.  Prior to that, I had been a Windows user…
I was able to build a number of custom machines at Fry’s during 2018. I don’t have an exact number, but there were a lot…
Why did I build a PC when I am a Mac Guy? So, one can only build PC’s for others, well customers, for so long…
So, I was tasked with taking an older Alienware Area 51 desktop.  I called it a behemoth because it was so big and very heavy.…